Team beard! Actually . . . drawing facial hair is a pain in the ass, no offense Craig! If he see's this, I hope you like it! So yeah, I found Wheezy Waiter from watching MEEKAKITTY. Craig is really awesome to watch. He puts so much effort into his videos and you can tell he has a lot of fun. He seems to have a lot of confidence which I admire. Eventually I will start my vlog. This whole blog thing is helping me though. I can be personal and not have to be self conscious of myself. Like how some people can't say what they want to but have no problem writing in on paper. Actually today's episode of Explosion Wednesday (not sure if its a thing yet) scared the bejeebus outta me. Keep on rockin wheezy! We all love you.
Alright! Today . . . wow what a day . . . Barely did ANYTHING but so much happened its unreal lol. So tired too. I got to detail a huge road grader today. OMG that cabin got so hot my shirt was sticking to me after I was done and I was in the shade! I do not know how they can work in that thing for hours. After Monica and I were finished cleaning it, the driver was all like "this isn't mine . . . its too clean" lol. Made me feel good at least. Then had some flagging lessons and yeah whole monkey fingering a coconut the mosquitos. I swear I am gonna bathe in bug spray.
Lunch was fun. Was a county luncheon where the social club hosted a BBQ. I had the chance to catch up with an old friend Patricia. I haven't seen her for at least 6-7 years so it was nice to talk for abit. After lunch we did more garbage pickup on 5th street and thats when things started to get really good. Here I am working and I find a cut/torn piece of glove. It was only the first two fingers and the thumb cut in a diagonal. So I thought nothing of it and picked it up with the pincher and noticed it was kinda heavy. Now if it was windy like it has been I would have loved the weight, but there wasn't any wind today and was so hot I didn't want to be carrying any extra that I didn't need too. So looking in the finger holes for a rock, instead I find white . . . of a severed thumb! Man it was so gross. It was fairly old and you could tell it had been through the winter so I just tossed it in my garbage bag.
I wanted to mention something funny that happened at the dump with Monica but I think I will keep that an inside joke between Margaret, Monica and I. When I came home I checked my email and I recieved my first blog related mail from a random person. Although it a failed attempt at trolling was still hate mail. Saying that I'm being a whore drawing youtubers to gain page views. Then at the end added that the drawing were awesome though . . . so yeah lol whatever. Honestly I got more page views when I was drawing my own characters. Oh well. I have my flagging test tomorrow so I will stop today's here.
Goodnight world! Love ya <3
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